
Fighting climate change

We actively contribute to the fight against climate change – with solar panels, waste separation with active community involvement, and structural improvements to maximise the energy efficiency of the company’s premises.
We also pay particular attention to compliance with specific environ- mental standards in the supplier qualification process.

Carbon Neutral Event

Calculation and neutralisation of the carbon footprint of the event ‘Cybersecurity & Sustainability – Challenges for the Future’: the offsetting action is realised through the cancellation of a number of carbon credits, certified according to the VERRA standard.
The carbon credits are generated by the VCS 2252 – REDD Rio Anapu-Pacaja project, which consists of the conservation of 165,707 hectares of Amazon forest in a highly critical region of Brazil due to conflicting relationships between different land owners.

Print Company Profile

We rendered the printing of our new Company Profile ‘Carbon Neutral Product 2022’, contributing, through the support of Climate Network, to the ‘VCS 2252 – Rio Anapu-Pacaja REDD Project’ in Brazil, which consists of the conservation of 165,707 hectares of Amazon rainforest in a highly critical region of Brazil due to conflicting relationships between different landowners.

Electronic business cards

The introduction of the digital business card aims to reduce the use of paper in order to continue our commitment to sustainability and respond to the United Nations 2030 Agenda, in particular Goal 12, which aims to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.